Our backgrounds are as different as our personal styles and tastes in music, but we do agree on what the well dressed person could be wearing.
G (he/him), the designer, Beth (she/her), the maker, and Ed (he/him), the wordsmith. G and Ed have known each other for nearly all of this millennium, having met in Glasgow. Both took different routes down the country and met Beth at The Colab Factory in London, during a play about saving England.
Bearded ladies is about challenging gendering in fashion, imagining a parallel universe where fashion developed along different lines and smashing it into ours. Degendering fashion, for comfort, utility, joy and freedom of expression.
We reckon things in this world are being shaken up a bit and we'd like it all to happen in the most inclusive and ethical way possible.
Our dresses are for whoever wants to wear them, for everyone to be whoever they want to be.